Friday, 25 March 2011


73,480 words later I am done and I submitted the weighty tome (all 9, yes 9, copies of it!) at the end of February. Well, I suppose I'm not exactly done, but at least I'm ready to have my viva. Somebody helpfully pointed out that if I could have done 20 words extra then I would have had a nice round number. Maybe whatever corrections I have to do will achieve that feat. No idea when the viva is going to be, but hope to have Prof. David Crow from Manchester Met, Dr. Eric Laurier from Edinburgh University and Prof. Steven Scrivener from UAL grilling me. If I am lucky they might all be able to find a convenient diary date this side of Christmas...

In the meantime, I am starting to apply for jobs, but obviously with the current climate, they are thin on the ground at present. I have been lucky enough to pick up a bit of third year teaching up at Nottingham Trent to help tide me over.

I still have more posts to post, particularly the final shots of the food book. But the sun is shining and I have no deadlines, so I'm off to sit in it.

PS. I have just noticed all the crossed out items on the list in the photograph. How very bloody satisfying!

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